Getting back in to the swing of looking after myself has proven a little more difficult than originally thought. After months of looking forward to Fresher’s week as a second year this week has been…underwhelming. On Sunday night I went to bed in so much pain, waking up on Monday with a partial hangover, a sore throat and swollen tonsils. A visit to the GP confirmed that I had caught tonsillitis. Nothing makes you homesick quite light being ill. I moved back to Sheffield on Friday and I am really happy to be back although while I force fed myself ice cream all I wanted was to be at home. I shouldn’t really complain, my tonsillitis hasn’t been too severe and the ongoing course of penicillin quickly nipped the pain and infection in the bud.
I have done three fresher’s weeks in my life and still fail
to see what the hype is about. Honestly, I think there is too much pressure put
on this one week of the year to be ‘the best of your life’. Between fresher’s
flu, disappearing money, occasional feelings of loneliness and home sickness, a
fresher’s week can be pretty tough. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love nights
out with my friends and have some really good memories from fresher’s weeks but
if you don’t feel like your fresher’s has been as amazing as people make it out
to be, don’t despair. University is a lot more than just one week; it is not ‘all
downhill from here’.
Lectures start again tomorrow and I’m actually excited to
get back to studying. Summer is great and all but actually having a purpose
during the week is even better. I’d be lying if I said that second year didn’t
make me a little nervous, I was very happy with my grades from first year and just
hope that I can keep them up during second. Very curious to see if second year
is such a big jump up after all.
I hope you all have a great week!