
Thursday, 28 July 2016


Another comic-con means a serious amount of new trailers and news about some of the most exciting upcoming releases. I have watched every trailer that was released over the four day of this year’s comic-con in San Diego; here are the five that you must watch.

Suicide Squad (Final Trailer)

The trailers for Suicide Squad have been some perfects examples in film marketing, perfectly matching the music, demonstrating the overall feel and not giving too much away, they have definitely hooked me in. While there have been so many trailers for Suicide Squad this one has basically sealed the deal about how much I can’t wait for this film to hit cinemas in August.

Justice League

The biggest thing with this trailer is that it seems to demonstrate that the filmmakers behind the current DC cinematic universe are listening to the fans. The tone looks to be lightening and the standout of this trailer was the first glimpse of Ezra Miller as Barry Allen/The Flash.

Wonder Woman

Yes there is a lot of DC in this list, I just love DC characters okay? Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman was one of the best things about the divisive ‘Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice’ and like the first footage of Justice League, the first glimpse of the Wonder Woman feature film seems to be taking itself less seriously and giving the fans what they want.


This is the second trailer for Oliver Stone’s Edward Snowden biopic. The story of Edward Snowden is one of the most important stories in recent history and brought up issues that are continually discussed today. If you want some light research before seeing the film coming in September I’d really recommend the Oscar winning documentary ‘Citizenfour’.

King Arthur: Legend of the Sword

I had seen there was going to be a new film about King Arthur but I really wasn’t interested until this trailer. The story has been told many times in many different adaptations but an a historical epic with Guy Ritchie’s signature style? Count me in.

Monday, 25 July 2016


Image Source:
Three paranormal enthusiasts and a subway worker team up to fight ghosts after a series of other-worldly forces threaten New York.

I can’t even attempt to review this film without acknowledging the amount of negativity surrounding this film. I said in a previous post that I was set on seeing this film no matter what and I stuck to that, seeing it as soon as I had the chance. I wanted to really like this film and when you want to really like something you can get a case of tunnel vision but I couldn’t avoid the negative reviews that appeared on the day of the films cinema release. I don’t agree with the amount of hate this film is drowning in, but it’s true that this film is severely flawed.

First let’s talk about what I actually liked; the four main cast members were great. Kristen Wiig and Melissa McCarthy have such great chemistry and comedic timing together. While I wasn’t as aware of Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones pre-Ghostbusters I really liked their performances. Kate McKinnnon’s wacky antics as inventor, ‘Jillian Holtzmann’ take a moment to get used but eventually she has a certain charm. Understandably the CGI has massively improved which quite simply means the ghosts look better. Although, care has been taken to not lose the retro charm of the story and it isn’t lost in technological advances. Green slime and floating bodies remain. The iconic theme tune is back but there are multiple remixes that added a modern feel, my favourite version is by ‘Fall Out Boy’ and ‘Missy Elliott’ which played on the first assembling of the Ghostbusters in uniform. That whole sequence was probably my favourite part of the entire film. The action sequences are also well choreographed and up to a certain point the final battle makes for a satisfying conclusion. (More on this later)

Image Source:
Now I have to talk about the things I did not like. First of all, I did not find Ghostbusters funny. More than anything Ghostbusters should be a comedy but apart from some well-timed pop-culture references and a little acute self-awareness the ‘jokes’ fell flat. This was a big disappointment after the many literal laugh-out-loud moments of Paul Feig’s other comedies, most notably ‘The Heat’ and ‘Spy’. The male representations are horrendous. Every man in this film is either evil or a total idiot. It annoys me so much that a film that attempts to break new ground with a female led action/comedy would do so by just flipping a stereotype dynamic. There is no need to stereotype to that scale, to attempt comedy in this way is cheap and quite frankly lazy. While the original film was male led, the female characters were worthy and developed. Sigourney Weaver's ‘Dana Barrett’ was one of the most memorable parts of the original for me. The constant appearance of stereotypes created an alarming anti-man tone that reached its cataclysm in the final act. A certain part of the concluding battle is currently doing the rounds on the internet for all the wrong reasons. With the risk of spoilers all I will say is that the conclusion revolves around something that I can only guess was intended as a joke but ended up being a cheap and messy conclusion that you’d expect in a bad Adam Sandler movie.

Image Source:
I saw the original Ghostbusters for the first time in full last October at a drive-in. While I enjoyed it, it is not a favourite and I have no loyalty to it. However, even I couldn’t help but closely compare the 1984 original to the 2016 reboot. The original is an iconic product of cinema of the time and more importantly; has stood the test of time. Scratch the surface of this reboot and there’s nothing new to boast about. The film also seems to be afraid to stand on its own, it’s a reboot but with a ridiculous amount of clumsy cameos and nods to the Bill Murray led original.

It wasn’t until I sat down and really thought about this film that I really questioned why it had to be Ghostbusters in the first place. The acting talent in this film could have been used on new characters that broke gender norms but told a story in its own right. If all we need to create something new is to swap the genders of characters then screenwriters can put down their pens for the next 100 years. It’s about time that we are seeing new roles for women in film but by simply stepping to the shoes of a much beloved film, Ghostbusters was set up for a fall. With other all-female remakes in the pipe line, including an all-female ‘Ocean’s Eleven’; I worry Ghostbusters will leave a bitter taste.

I had high hopes for Ghostbusters but it has fallen short of expectations. While undeserving of the lynch mob that is after it at the moment, CGI advances and acting talent couldn’t save it from a poor script and the risks of remaking an 80’s classic. 

Monday, 18 July 2016


Ugly Love
Colleen Hoover

Ugly Love is a ‘New Adult’ novel that follows Tate after she moves to San Francisco and meets her neighbour, Miles Archer. Before I read this I was in a long reading slump, I hadn’t finished a book for months and anything that I read just wasn’t interesting me. New adult is my favourite genre to reach for when no other books are keeping my attention. They’re fast paced and addictive and Ugly Love was no exception. While the main element of the story is a romance there was enough grit and mystery to make me want to keep reading and I finished it within days. Out of the handful of similar books I have read this is quite possibly my favourite, the characters were likeable and realistic and I really enjoyed the writing style of Colleen Hoover.


The Five People You Meet in Heaven
Mitch Albom

I didn’t expect to love this book as much as I did. The story is quite self-explanatory, we follow Eddie, an 83 year old man who is killed in the first chapter and arrives in heaven to meet five people. Each person has been affected by some part of Eddie’s life and has something to teach him. It was the writing of this book that made me love it so much, it’s only a short 208 pages but its crafted in a way that there are moments where you have to stop reading and actually think about what is written on the page. It’s fair to think that a book with ‘heaven’ in the title might stray in to the realm of preachy or pretentious but it really isn’t, Mitch Albom presents his message and it’s up to you to interpret. This book is also home to one my favourite book quotes…

“No life is a waste” the Blue Man said. “The only time we waste is the time we spend thinking that we are alone”


The dedication from The Five People You Meet in Heaven
Colm Toibin

Brooklyn was a complete impulse purchase; I only picked it up in Waterstones after seeing the film trailer. Brooklyn is the story of Eilis who moves to New York because she is unable to find work in Ireland. After being on my shelf for months I picked up Brooklyn wanting something romantic and slightly fluffy but the seemingly simple story ended up being an interesting fish-out-of-water story that talks about what home means and first love and growing up. When I had finished reading the book I couldn’t wait to watch the film. It was a really faithful adaptation and I loved Saoirse Ronan as Eilis, perfect casting.


If you want to see what else I'm reading you can follow me on Good Reads here.

Monday, 11 July 2016


So far this summer is shaping up to be a great one at the cinema; let’s see what July has to offer...

Image Source: imdb,com
UK Release Date: 11/07/16

The film that had the most disliked trailer ever on YouTube and really divided people. Like many I wasn’t a fan of the first trailer, I found it sloppy and it made me worried about the future of this film. This will be the first of a handful of films that are being reinvented with a cast of all female protagonists; it feels like there is a lot riding on the quality of Ghostbusters. The second trailer and newer promotional material are so much better than the first glimpse but really I was always going to want to see this film. I trust Paul Feig, Melissa McCarthy and Kristen Wiig to make a genuinely funny and exciting adventure comedy. I hope people remember that this is more a reinvention and not just a remake.

Watch the trailer here.

Image Source:
Jason Bourne
UK Release Date: 29/07/16

Matt Damon is back as Jason Bourne and Paul Greengrass is back as Bourne Director. Action Thriller may not be the genre that I reach for the most but I am very excited about this new Bourne instalment. It took me a long time to get to but I really enjoyed The Bourne Ultimatum and now I’m eagerly anticipating this new Bourne as Matt Damon is back in arguably the role he is best known for. Jason Bourne now remembers who he truly is and is trying to uncover hidden truths about his past. Julia Stiles is also back, new cast members include Tommy Lee Jones and Alicia Vikander.

Watch the trailer here.

Honourable mention: The Legend of Tarzan and The BFG

What has been your favourite film of the summer so far?

Thursday, 7 July 2016


Goodbye student house, you won’t be missed. That’s right; the time finally came for me to leave the house I lived in throughout my second year of university. Let’s take a trip back to the 12th of July 2015, or more specifically a post titled “This Past Week #2 Mojitos Please”. In this post I said “I already love my new house”, well it’s safe to say that the novelty wore off as I couldn’t wait to see the back of the house I once loved. I could talk for hours about how much some landlords take advantage of students and how much my housemates and I were dissatisfied with our house for multiple reasons  but I will spare you. Although, to look to the positives for the first half of the year I was very happy living where I was, there was definitely issues but I knew I was more suited to living in a student house than in halls of residence. Even if it did mean that I couldn’t leave home at 8:55 and be in a lecture at 9:00. However by the end of the year I was completely sick of feeling like I was being ripped off, messed about by the letting agents and more than ready to move. At least the only way is up for my next student house. If you want to read my advice on student house-hunting, you can read a post here.

At the beginning of the month I went back to Sheffield for my first placement, a short placement at a Sheffield theatre producing a promotional video. I really enjoyed my time working with the theatre, the people I worked with were really lovely and I love working with video. Although, working on a video project solo was quite intimidating. I have only ever worked on video projects with a group or with Lucy and it’s actually a big task to do everything alone. It was a strange moment when people much older or experienced were asking me for direction. I really enjoyed the process of editing the footage; the aim for the finished product was something completely new to me so I learnt a lot of new editing techniques.

Working on a video project for a community theatre
I was living in my student house without the usual seven housemates and it was strange at times. It mostly meant that I was doubly cautious about locking everything at night and could lie on the sofa all day without judgement but it proved lonely at times. Spending so much time on my own was something I hadn’t given much thought to. Since I was little I have always been able to entertain myself and I wasn’t worried about the time I’d have around working around my placement. Although I had not anticipated that I would have SO MUCH free time. Because I was working on my own project I only needed to be at the theatre once or twice a week, often for just a few hours each time. That meant a lot of time to fill on my own. I read somewhere once that you should know how to spend time alone otherwise you will never know if you seek company out of choice or out of loneliness. (Hey, pinterest can be very wise.) Having no choice but to go it alone seems to be a part of growing up. I was basically living on my own with only one or two friends close by, I could either sit inside waiting for them to be free and maxing out my amazon prime free trial or get out and mingle with civilisation. There was something strangely wonderful about wandering around a city I’ve lived in for two years but out of term time and knowing nobody. And of course it made the time spent with friends even better. I met up with friends to have the last student night out for a while (*sobs*) before we all move away to do grown up stuff. I also visited my friend Kate in York for a much needed catch-up after not seeing her for almost a year. In my last couple of weeks living in Sheffield one of my housemates was back at the house and it was really nice to spend time with her and not feel so alone in the house.

Pancakes at 'Brew and Brownie' in York
My TV show of the month was definitely Outlander. My love for this show is no secret but I’d fallen drastically behind on it after I found the first episode of the second season very confusing. However I am so happy I could catch up because this season may even be better than the first. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if you haven’t already, go watch Outlander. I have also loved reading recently, after being in a Bronze-Horseman-induced reading slump (would not recommend) I managed to love reading again, look out for the long overdue ‘Recent Reads #2’ coming very soon.

That’s about it for my June, have a great July!

Sunday, 3 July 2016


So many amazing TV shows, so little time. This is the second list I’ve made of some of my favourite TV shows that are completely binge-worthy. So don’t get bored when the British summer deals us all too many rainy days and give some a try. This is less Netflix and chill, more Netflix and tea.

The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Out of the handful of Netflix Original Series’ that I’ve watched, Kimmy Schmidt stands firmly as my favourite. This comedy follows Kimmy after she is rescued from a doomsday cult and decides to start over in New York City. While Kimmy has spent 15 years underground and has a lot of catching up to do this is more than just a fish-out-of-water story. It's pop-culture references and supporting characters make this show full of laughs and heart. 

Penny Dreadful
Penny Dreadful is a gothic horror drama set in Victorian London. While following original characters including Vanessa Ives, Malcolm Murray and Ethan Chandler the show also includes some of the most beloved characters from gothic literature including Dorian Gray, Victor Frankenstein and Dracula.  Although it has now come to the end of its three season run, the show managed to get better with each season. Managing to be bizarre and spooky but never going for obvious shock factor, I wish there was plans for a fourth season. 

Orphan Black
The plot of Orphan Black is very complex so is probably the one on the list that I would most say is best binge-watched. Sarah Manning is pulled in to a dangerous conspiracy after witnessing the suicide of someone who looks identical to her. This sci-fi series is compelling and exciting and Tatiana Maslany is deservant of so much credit as she carries the show by playing multiple characters per episode. New episodes are available weekly on Netflix.

What is your favourite show to binge on?